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JBN Security

IP video is the collective term for camera surveillance using network technology.

Previously, camera surveillance (CCTV) systems were often equipped with 1-to-1 connections where mainly coax cable was used. Due to market developments and technological advances, this technology is now slowly being replaced by an Internet connection.

Nowadays, megapixel cameras are mainly used when it comes to IP video, however, with the advent of SDI technology(also known as HD-SDI in security), full-HD images (1080P) from a video surveillance camera can be obtained with the 1-to-1 connection via coaxial cable.

HD-SDI offers a number of advantages over network video; for example, there is no latency and installation of such a system is as easy as a "traditional" coaxial video surveillance system. However, SDI technology remains a one-to-one connection. The rise of cloud computing services such as VSaaS and Video Content Analysis (VCA) gives the network camera more advantages over traditional CCTV coaxial systems than just increased image quality.